Require out of hours support?
If you have an urgent but not-life-threatening medical need, visit NHS 111 online or call 111 first rather than going straight to the Emergency Department.
NHS 111
NHS 111 online makes it easier for patients to get the treatment they need in the right place. The service can also direct patients to urgent treatment centres/walk in centres, GPs, pharmacies, emergency dental services or other more appropriate local services.
NHS 111 online can also tell you where to get help for your symptoms, how to find general health information and advice, where to get emergency supplies of your prescribed medicines and how to get a repeat prescription.
If you have hearing loss, are Deaf or have difficulties communicating you can also access NHS 111 by textphone on 18001 111 and British Sign Language (BSL) users can use the NHS 111 BSL interpreter service.
To find out more as well as information in alternative formats including BSL, easy read, large print and audio visit:
Call 999
You should only ever call 999, if you or your loved one/s, or another person have a life-threatening illness or injury.
For emergency use only.
Urgent Care Centres
Urgent Care Centres (UCCs) treat patients for injuries and illnesses that require immediate attention but are not life threatening. Urgent care centres offer access to a range of treatment for minor illnesses and injuries including, lacerations, stomach upsets, burns and strains. Members of the public can access all centres across Leicester and Leicestershire via NHS 111.
You do not need to be registered with a GP or have a fixed address to use any urgent care service.