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Have your say on the county’s communications and engagement on Public Health 

Leicestershire County Council (Public Health) are looking to shape the way we communicate and engage with residents to improve health across the county. We’re keen...

Are you getting the eye care you need?

Did you know that 50% of sight loss is avoidable? That is why it is essential for people to have their eyesight tested regularly and,...

Healthwatch launches report on LGBTQ+ health and care experiences: ‘Your Voice Matters’ survey findings

Local Healthwatch is pleased to announce the release of a new report that captures the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in accessing local health...

Leicester Royal Infirmary Children’s Emergency Department

We’d like to hear about your experience of using the Leicester Royal Infirmary Children’s Emergency Department Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire are working alongside Healthwatch...

Healthwatch launches insight report highlighting ethnic communities’ voices on Health and Social Care Services

Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire is proud to announce the release of a new insight report based on our recent “Coffee, Chai, and Chat” group...

Local people invited to comment on new NHS strategy for all-age end of life care

NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) is asking for people’s views on the care people can expect to receive towards the...

Healthwatch England Social Care research report

Healthwatch England’s new research provides the first-ever estimate of unmet social care need among working-age disabled people in England.   A poll of 1,504 working-age disabled...

Annual Report 2023-24

Over 8000 people came to us last year to seek information or to share their experiences with us. Read our annual report to find out...

NHS Constitution: 10 year review

Department of Health and Social Care has launched their 10-year review of the NHS Constitution. The NHS constitution sets out the principles, values, rights and...

Healthwatch Calls for Public Input on Supported Living Services in Leicester and Leicestershire

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the quality and accessibility of healthcare services, Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire invite the public to share...

Covid-19 Spring 2024 vaccination is available now

The Covid-19 Spring 2024 vaccination is available for anyone in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland (LLR) that’s over 75, residents in care homes for older people...

Leicester Hospital emergency department patient experience

In September 2022, Healthwatch Leicester, Healthwatch Leicestershire and Healthwatch Rutland visited the Leicester Royal Infirmary (LRI) Adults Emergency Department (ED) to observe the department and...

Share your feedback to improve care in your community

Last year, Healthwatch received nearly 400,000 experiences of health and social care. When services are under pressure, feedback on care can be crucial to identify...

Stay warm this winter 

Leicestershire County Council’s ‘Keep warm and well this winter’ booklet has lots of information about keeping yourself warm and well, at home and out and...

Reports on asylum seekers’ experiences

We are pleased to release two reports shedding light on the experiences of asylum seekers with local health and care services. The reports aim to...

New NHS Website

You may already be aware of a new website called Joy which has been commissioned by the NHS and will launching in the next few...

Making Health & Social Care Better 2022-23

Annual Report 2022-23 Over 30000 people came to us last year to seek information or to share their story with us. Read our annual report...

Active Leicester Strategy

New Active Leicester Strategy explains the importance of exercise in getting and staying as healthy as we can and details how we will work together...

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