
Our role safeguarding

Local Healthwatch has a key part to play in sharing the public’s experience of health and social care services. This includes any suspected cases of abuse or neglect, or failure to safeguard. It is important for Healthwatch to have a clear policy for staff and volunteers about what action to take if they suspect someone is in danger of abuse or they feel safeguarding procedures are inadequate. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, if they feel a vulnerable adult or child is in danger of abuse or neglect to report it to the relevant Authority.


Vulnerable adults are people who are over 18 years of age and are getting or may need help and services to live in the community. Vulnerable adults may be unable to take care of themselves and unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation by other people.

Abuse can take place in any setting, public or private, and can be perpetuated by anyone.


What is adult abuse and how to report concerns:
If you suspect or believe a child or an adult is being abused or harmed, you should report your concerns:

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